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F-104G Disassembly Day 3

Houston, we have a problem....
The weather condition today is fine for working, everything looks like fine and we will get a easy job. But there is something wrong so we can not go on schedule. Today, the workforce focus on wing detaching and wish the job can be done before sunset. The wing detaching process can divide to four steps. First, take flaps off the wing for protect BLCS, Boundary Layer Control System tube. Second, disconnect the aileron drive shaft from control surface system. Third, make the wing-boby connection screws off the position. Final, move the mobile multi-function holder in position for detaching.

It's a nice morning

Because F-104 is design for supersonic, it equiped a pair of small, highly-loaded wing resulted in an unacceptably high take-off and landing speed, so a boundary layer control system (BLCS) of blown flaps was incorporated, bleeding engine air over the trailing edge flaps to improve their lift. The system was a boon to safe landings, although it proved to be a maintenance problem in service, and landing without the BLCS could be harrowing. (see wikipadia)

The flap is gone, note the black tube is BLCS. The man in black and khaki is master sergeant Zhang.

Today, a guy come to join us who do us a favor greatly. He is master sergeant Zhang, call sign "super mac", service in CCK AFB for IDF fighter maintenance. The man's coming increasing the capability of crew and decreasing the delay. Yes, the process is delay by drive shaft disconnecttion problem. In the afternoon, the crew take flaps form wing, and time is going up. The workforce can't disconnect the connector contacted the wing side in the right wing, so the crew decide to try another way after discussion. The solution is disconnect the contact in the aileron drive box of right wing then take wing down carefully with keeping shaft connection.

The left side wing is ready for detaching, but right side one is working on shaft problem.

to be continue.......


The CAAM crew worked with the dept students and local skilled airforce man to disassemble a F-104 jetfighter in Fengchia university.

more detials about the day will comimg soon................


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